Who we work with:The North Assessment Centre provides services for youth living in the Edmonton and Northern regions of Alberta who require financial support while completing high school or academic upgrading for post-secondary pre-requisites and may be facing challenges that could include but are not limited to a lack of stable housing, lack of parental engagement or support, English as an Additional Language, academic performance issues, family economic needs, childcare concerns, addiction issues, and other disability issues. |
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Our Goal:
The North Assessment Centre works to ensure that youth who want to attend High School or an Outreach School but are experiencing barriers are provided with the financial (Foundational Learning Assistance) and personal support/ resources needed to achieve their educational goal. This could mean completion of Grade 12 or the minimum prerequisites to attend a Post-Secondary Institution.

How can the North Assessment Centre benefit me?
- For those youth who are eligible, one of the most important benefits is Financial Support to help you complete your education. The North Assessment Centre will help you to complete the on-line application process and work with the Foundational Learning & Skills Development Office on questions or documents needed to process your application.
- You will have a personal, dedicated Support Manager who will act as your advocate, will help you address any challenges you may face and will identify success strategies so you can reach your goals!
- With today’s technology, personalized support from the Assessment Centre is just a “click” away.
- The Assessment Centre will provide you with referrals to available supports and resources, including dedicated psychological support.
- Assessment Centre staff can provide Information on what’s going on in the local labour market and coaching for your employment and career goals.
How do I apply for Foundational Learning Assistance?
If you think you could benefit from the services offered by the North Assessment Centre to help you meet your education goals contact us today. We offer virtual, phone or in-person appointments with flexible meeting times.
✓ Call us at 780-425-6655 or toll free at 844-392-4706
✓ Email us at [email protected]
✓ Send us a direct message via facebook @BGSCareerVentures
Be sure to contact us as soon as you can so there are no delays in your funding!
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I apply for Foundational Learning Assistance?
Individuals can apply for Foundational Learning Assistance up to 8 weeks prior to the start date of school.
Can I apply for Foundational Learning Assistance at any time in the school year?
Yes you can. Financial Assistance will start the month your application is received by the Foundational Learning & Skills Development Office.
What sort of fees does Foundational Learning Assistance cover?
The amount you receive will depend on your household financial need. The fees may cover things like school fees owing for the year you are applying (Mandatory Fees, Book Costs, Grad Fees), as well as Living Costs while attending training (rent, food, bus pass, child care).
How will I know when my application has been approved by the Foundational Learning & Skills Development Office?
You will also receive confirmation from Foundational Learning after completing your on-line application. As well a Funding Decision Letter will be sent to you outlining the amount of financial assistance you will be receiving and the months it will be provided.
I learn better in a self-paced environment rather than a traditional classroom setting. Can I attend an Outreach School to complete my courses?
Yes. Your Support Manager can provide you with options for eligible schools in your region.
Do I get Foundational Learning Assistance during the summer months? **
No, Foundational Learning Assistance only covers the time you are in school (September – June).
** There are specific criteria that are required for Summer School approval. Talk to a Support Manager for details.
Can I work part-time while I am in school?
Yes, working part-time can assist you with saving money for the summer months when no financial assistance is available.
I am working right now. Can I quit my job and apply for Foundational Learning Assistance?
No! Quitting your job may jeopardize your eligibility for Foundational Learning Assistance. Talk with your Support Manager about your situation and they will advise you of the process for attending school full time while working.
My teacher is recommending different courses for me than we originally planned when I applied for Foundational Learning Assistance. Is that okay?
Possibly. You must inform your Support Manager to discuss any possible changes to your planned courses so that they can ensure this does not impact your full time eligibility status.
I live with my parents, but they expect me to pay rent. Can I apply for rent costs?
Your Support Manager will discuss your living situation and be able to advise your on your eligibility for Foundational Learning Assistance.
What happens if I stop attending school while receiving Foundational Learning Assistance?
As a student receiving Foundational Learning Assistance, you are responsible for attending and progressing at school. Lack of attendance will jeopardize your ability to continue to receive Foundational Learning Assistance.
What happens if I fail a course? Will my Foundational Learning Assistance continue?
Possibly. You will need to discuss this with your Support Manager to see if you would be eligible to repeat the course and continue to receive Foundational Learning Assistance.
I will be turning 20 years old during the school year. Can I still receive Foundational Learning Assistance?
If you apply for Foundational Learning Assistance prior to turning 20, you can continue to receive Foundational Learning Assistance for the remainder of the school year and receive supports through the North Assessment Centre.
Are you a High School/Outreach School Representative and you think you may know of students who could benefit from our services?
As part of our service, the North Assessment Centre can provide information overviews on regulations, policies & expectations regarding Foundational Learning Assistance and how this program can support youth to achieve their educational goals.
“The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada
to provide employment support programs and services.”